Home Top Stories Greens seek appointment of expert panel to study tiger deaths in Wayanad

Greens seek appointment of expert panel to study tiger deaths in Wayanad

Greens seek appointment of expert panel to study tiger deaths in Wayanad

The Wayanad Prakruthi Samrakshana Samithi (WPSS) has appealed to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to appoint an expert committee at the earliest to study the suspicious tiger deaths recently reported in the Wayanad district.

In a letter to Union Ministers and senior Forest officials on Friday (February 7), the Samithi stated that the committee should undertake a holistic study of tiger conflicts in Wayanad, including its historical context, the tolerance levels, and coping mechanisms adopted by different sections of society, and the response strategies of the Forest department.

N. Badusha, president of WPSS, said the appointment of an expert committee was essential, given that at least eight people had been killed in tiger attacks in Wayanad over the past decade. He said that such incidents had increased alarmingly in the last five years, highlighting the urgency of a comprehensive study.

Mr. Badusha said the limited capacity of State zoos and Forest department’s rehabilitation centres was continuing to be a concern for the relocation of tigers captured from human habitats. The environmentalist also pointed out that a thorough investigation and structured approach would enable the formation of broad guidelines to mitigate the increasing human-wildlife conflicts effectively.

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