Home Life Style 9 everyday exercises that can help build muscles – Times of India

9 everyday exercises that can help build muscles – Times of India

9 everyday exercises that can help build muscles – Times of India

Building muscles with easy workouts

Building muscles isn’t a tough task if you know the right workouts to do it. All you need to do to gain muscle is workout with motions that facilitate and expedite daily movement. Rather than following the same old one-muscle, one-piece regimen, it imitates real-world functional activities like pulling, pushing, and lifting. So why not pick an exercise regimen that is useful for the whole body and works with your schedule? Here are 10 everyday exercises to build muscles and strength.


You can perform deadlifts, a weight and strength training exercise, by raising a barbell or kettlebell while bending over. The deadlift strengthens your hamstrings, shoulders, and back. Since deadlifts are not a regular kind of exercise, two to three times a week is recommended.

Sled push

A sled pus concentrates on the entire body, with particular attention to the upper and lower limbs. To accomplish this, simply push a weighted sled across the ground. This increases functional endurance, strengthens the upper body, and increases total power.

Sand Bag

A sandbag is a multipurpose tool that has several applications. The sandbag can be carried one way, one distance at a time, or it can be shoulder, with the bag being carried from the ground to one shoulder and back to the ground. Strength, stamina, and general functional strength are all increased by this.

Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing, as its name implies, is using a kettlebell and swinging it quickly between your legs. Kettlebell swings target your hamstrings, calves, and upper back.


Burpees are a total-body workout that improves cardiovascular fitness and strengthens the arms, chest, quadriceps, hamstrings, and core. Burpees are a full-body exercise that can build muscle in the legs, shoulders, and core.


The plank is an isometric exercise for strengthening the core, shoulders, and back. All that’s required for a plank is to hold a posture akin to a push-up and hold it for a while. Although planks may appear challenging, maintaining the proper form is crucial to toning the muscles in your shoulders and core.


Squats are an easy exercise that’s great to perform inside. They are frequently referred to as a lower body functional exercise that focuses on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. It increases muscular focus while toning the buttocks, sculpting the thighs, and assisting in the loss of extra weight in the lower body.


You need to do lunges if you want to strengthen your stability and balance while simultaneously targeting your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. One excellent exercise to improve muscle strength and endurance is the reverse or forward lunge. By using weights and carrying a barbell or dumbbell in your hands, you can increase the difficulty of your lunges. A lunge involves bringing one leg forward, bending the knee, and placing the foot flat on the ground while bringing the other leg back.


Do you only need one upper body workout? The push-up is a fundamental exercise that targets the core, triceps, shoulders, and chest. Because push-ups can be performed at any time and without the need for specialized equipment, this workout is an easy approach to grow muscle and improve fitness.

5 bodyweight exercises that build muscle without equipment

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