Home World News Daily quiz on papacy

Daily quiz on papacy

Daily quiz on papacy

Daily quiz | On papacy

This painting by Michelangelo depicts The Last Judgment


1 / 5 |
The day after Pope Francis was elected, the Daily Mirror gave a headline which was a clever play on one of the most famous goals in the history of football. Name the player who scored that goal who has a suite named after him in Kerala. 

2 / 5 |
What is the colour of the smoke that emerges from the Sistine Chapel once a Pope is elected? 

3 / 5 |
The papal conclave is the oldest historical method of electing a particular head of state. Which state are we referring to? 

4 / 5 |
In this town situated at a hilltop, hundreds of people have gathered at the tomb of a saint over the last few weeks to pray for Pope Francis. Who is the saint and what is the name of the town? 

5 / 5 |
A majority of Popes come from ___ . Fill in the name of the country.

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