Home Top Stories Child welfare council’s Kilikoottam summer camp from April 3

Child welfare council’s Kilikoottam summer camp from April 3

Child welfare council’s Kilikoottam summer camp from April 3

The Kerala State Council for Child Welfare’s Kilikoottam summer camp is back this summer too.

The camp will be held at Government Model Lower Primary School, Thycaud, from April 3 to May 25 to make the summer holidays a fun and engaging experience for children.

The two-month camp, with the theme of a love-filled and friendly childhood, will promote students’ mental and physical health and provide a platform to hone and display their talents.

Admission will be open to children in the 9-16 age group. Children under the council protection too will participate in the camp to be held from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Classes will be held till 12.30 p.m. In the afternoon, the children will engage in activities that bring together knowledge, recreation, sports, arts, and practical activities.

Three age groups

Students will be categorised into three age group – 9 to 10, 11 to 12, and 13 to 16.

Students can take up creative pursuits such as theatre, dance, instrumental music, and painting. They will be able to participate in prose and poetry, science, mathematics, origami, farming, get career orientation, learn coding and robotics.

Yoga, mediation, physical training, classes on health, counselling to address their anxieties and fears will be available. Karate too will be taught. Tours, interaction with people from various walks of life, and sharing of experiences will be held.

On the last three days of the camp, students will present and exhibit what they learnt, did, and made at the camp.

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