Home Sports Tehani, El Rey, Anzac Parade and Jersey King please

Tehani, El Rey, Anzac Parade and Jersey King please

Tehani, El Rey, Anzac Parade and Jersey King please

Tehani, El Rey, Anzac Parade and Jersey King pleased when the horses were exercised here on Friday morning (Feb 14)

Inner sand:

1200m: Mahler (Darshan), Fortis (Shreyas) 1-23, 1,000/1-7.5, 600/41. Former finished three lengths ahead.

1400m: Pericles (Indrajeet)1-38, 1,200/1-23, 1,000/1-9, 600/39.5. Strode out well.

Outer sand:

600m: Benzema (Afsar), Chiraag (P. Mani) 44.5. Former finished five lengths ahead. Stellar Gold (rb) 45. Easy.

1000m: Anzac Parade (Likith) 1-11.5, 600/43. Impressed. Raffles (Likith) 1-15.5, 600/46. Moved freely.

1200m: Jersey King (Likith), Vibrant Bliss (Antony) 1-30, 1,000/1-12, 600/41.5. They moved fluently. Dynamic Force (Shareef) 1-27.5, (1,200-600) 40. Eased up.

1400m: Tehani (Akshay) 1-42, 1,200/1-26.5, 1,000/1-13, 600/44. A good display. El Rey (David Allan), Mystikos (Md. Akram) 1-43, 1,200/1-25, 1,000/1-11, 600/43.5. Former finished three lengths ahead. Woman At War (David Allan) 1-40, (1,400-600) 50. Eased up.

1600m: Redefined (David Allan) 1-59.5, 1,400/1-43.5, 1,200/1-28.5, 1,000/1-14.5, 600/44. Moved impressively.

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