Home Opinion Letters to The Editor — July 4, 2024

Letters to The Editor — July 4, 2024


In Parliament

The abrasive exchanges between the Congress and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party have certainly lowered the dignity of Parliament (Page 1, “PM says mandate is for continuity, Cong. a ‘parasite’ on allies”, July 3). The Prime Minister, given his seniority, should have shown some consideration for fellow members instead of bulldozing them. No MP should forget that a strong Opposition, which has been missing for a long time, is essential for a healthy democracy. The BJP failed to win the required number of seats and must introspect over this.

P. Sanath Kumar,


The Prime Minister’s speech did not have answers for the points raised by the Leader of the Opposition or the other Opposition leaders. Instead, it was focused on levelling accusations and ridiculing the Congress. The Prime Minister’s claim that the 2024 mandate is for continuity needs to be clarified. The continuity is certainly not for such incongruent and hate speeches to continue even after the election is over. The BJP too was not given the mandate to rule on its own strength. The leader of an august house is expected to be conscious of the difference between a speech delivered in a street corner and a speech before a gathering of elites and in an august house such as Parliament. The Prime Minister’s speech should only enhance the image of the nation and not the otherwise.

A.G. Rajmohan,

Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

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