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Health News: First pig kidney transplant recipient dies, slow-running is the new workout trend, symptoms of skin cancer and more | – Times of India

Health News: First pig kidney transplant recipient dies, slow-running is the new workout trend, symptoms of skin cancer and more | – Times of India
First pig kidney transplant recipient dies two months after surgery
Richard Slayman, the first individual to undergo a genetically modified pig kidney transplant, has passed away at the age of 62. Richard underwent the transplantation procedure earlier this year, in March.
Weakness and fatigue in hot weather? It may be irregular heartbeat not heat stroke
With increasing temperatures, susceptibility to health issues like weakness and fatigue rises. While these symptoms are often linked to weather, it’s vital to differentiate between them: irregular heartbeat and heat stroke.
Swimming vs cycling: Which works the best for weight loss?
When considering weight loss, both swimming and cycling offer extensive health benefits.However, the choice between them depends on individual preferences, physical condition, and fitness objectives. Let’s discuss.
6 symptoms of skin cancer everyone should know about
Skin cancer, the abnormal growth of skin cells, is primarily caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds. It includes basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Here are the common symptoms of skin cancer.
What is slow-running? Can it be added to a workout routine?
In the space of fitness, high-intensity workouts like HIIT and fast running often dominate attention. Yet, what about leisurely walking? Is it more than just a stroll? Slow running, or low-intensity steady-state cardio, offers unique benefits, gaining popularity for its advantages.
Brain teaser: Can you say in which order the cars should move to avoid accidents?
In the picture, you see three cars coming from three different directions. The caption says “Let’s see who can drive!”. The three cars at a tri-junction need to be moved carefully so that a mishap is avoided.
Beyond antibiotics: Exploring alternative treatments for recurrent UTIs
Antibiotics have long been favored for preventing recurrent UTIs, impacting millions worldwide. Yet, a rise in antimicrobial resistance, driven by excessive antibiotic use, presents a growing challenge in treating UTIs. This trend poses a significant health concern, complicating UTI management and necessitating alternative strategies.
“How I overcame Gestational Diabetes with determination”
In Mumbai’s vibrant streets, Neha Mishra, a 40-year-old woman, stood tall at 5 feet 7 inches, brimming with determination to overcome any obstacle. However, her resilience faced a test with the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) during her 2021 pregnancy, marked by an HbA1c level of 6.2%. Read her story here.

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