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Heli Daruwala reflects on the journey and success of ‘Undekhi 3 | – Times of India

Heli Daruwala reflects on the journey and success of ‘Undekhi 3 | – Times of India
Actor Heli Daruwala is basking in the success of her portrayal of Geet in the third season of ‘Undekhi’. In an interview, she expresses her gratitude for the love and appreciation she has received for her role. Heli reflects on 2024 as a fantastic year, with Undekhi 3‘s release and exciting projects on the horizon.
Heli’s journey into acting is a unique one, having initially pursued a dental degree before discovering her passion for Kathak, a classical Indian dance form.“My love for acting came from dance,” she shares speaking to Hindustan Times. Despite her academic background, she found herself drawn to the world of performance after appearing in films like ‘Dum Kata’ (2007) and television shows like ‘Love You Zindagi (2011).
The opportunity to join ‘Undekhi’ was one Heli Daruwala eagerly seized. Having been a viewer of the show’s first two seasons, she found the transition from viewer to cast member fascinating. Undekhi intricately weaves together the lives of influential individuals who believe they are above the law and the marginalized who suffer their injustices silently.
In Undekhi, Heli’s character, Geet, initially appears unassuming as Papaji’s caretaker. However, beneath her facade lies a complex persona—a spy planted to gather information on the family’s wrongdoings. Portraying Geet challenged Daruwala as an actor, pushing her to explore different facets of her craft.
Heli Daruwala’s performance in Undekhi 3 has garnered praise for its depth and nuance, showcasing her versatility as an actor. As she continues to embrace diverse roles and projects, her journey from dentistry to dance and finally to acting stands as a testament to her passion and dedication to her craft.

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