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Dakota Johnson says she ‘felt natural’ during her directorial debut Loser Baby: ‘I am open to making more…’ | – Times of India

Dakota Johnson says she ‘felt natural’ during her directorial debut Loser Baby: ‘I am open to making more…’ | – Times of India
Dakota Johnson is stepping into the director’s chair with her debut film Loser Baby, set to premiere at the Toronto Film Festival. Chatting with Deadline’s TIFF studio, the Madame Web star gushed about her first-time directing experience, saying it felt “incredibly natural” and that she “absolutely loved” every moment of it!
Loser Baby, Dakota Johnson’s short film, centers on Talia, a queer woman navigating changing relationships as her friends’ views on commitment shift, according to the official synopsis.Known for Fifty Shades of Grey and Netflix’s Persuasion, Johnson also hinted at her excitement for future directing projects, teasing more to come!
Dakota Johnson expressed her openness to future directing projects, though she admitted she isn’t quite ready for that step yet. She acknowledged that she still has much to learn and grow as a director but didn’t rule out the possibility of changing her mind, making it difficult to predict her next move.The story, led by Thalia Bernstein, follows Talia, who is grappling with doubts about her long-term relationship. She confides in her best friend Lee, with tensions peaking at another friend Ashley Madekwe’s birthday party. Bernstein, who also penned the script, acknowledged that the narrative was inspired by real-life experiences.
Drawing from her own experience in a long-term queer relationship, Bernstein wanted to create a story that authentically reflected such dynamics. She aimed to highlight the various ways relationships can exist and evolve. Meanwhile, Johnson fostered a fun and enjoyable atmosphere on set, making the directorial process lively and engaging for everyone involved.

Johnson, known for her role in Persuasion, shared that she encouraged her actors to improvise on set. While the film’s structure and script were meticulously crafted, Johnson aimed to challenge her cast by pushing them to explore their characters more deeply, adding extra layers to the performances through improvisation.
In a previous interview with Variety, Dakota Johnson shared a humorous behind-the-scenes detail about her experience during filming. She admitted to overdosing on caffeine, which left her feeling energetic and inspired on set. It wasn’t until later that she realized she had consumed thousands of milligrams of caffeine throughout the process.

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