Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday (January 28, 2025) hit out at the Samajwadi Party (SP) president Akhilesh Yadav, saying that even those infamous for their politics of appeasement are now taking a dip at the Triveni Sangam in Maha Kumbh.
He added that to expect those who have never respected the faith of India will respect the faith in Sanatana Dharma will be a mistake.
“The participation of people from diverse political ideologies in the ongoing Maha Kumbh highlights enduring influence of Sanatana Dharma. I am pleased that such people who disrespected India’s cultural ethos and infamous for their appeasement politics are taking a dip at the holy Sangam of the Ganga, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati to seek punya (virtue),” said Mr. Adityanath, at a private event in Lucknow, without naming Mr. Yadav.
Mr. Adityanath’s comment is believed to responded to the SP leader’s statement in Prayagraj while taking swipe at the Chief Minister. The former Chief Minister, after taking the holy dip in Triveni Sangam on Sunday, had said that Maha Kumbh is a spiritual event not a water sport event
“For the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) people, I have to say that if you come to Kumbh, then bath with patience. People come here for virtue and charity, not for water sports,” the SP leader said.
Maha Kumbh held in Prayagraj after 12 years, considered biggest gathering of humans is witnessing millions of devotees taking a bath in the holy Sangam in Prayagraj every day. The Uttar Pradesh government said over 140 million people took holy dip at Sangam till now. The event will conclude on February 26 with over 400 million people are expected to visit the city. As many as 55 police stations are functional in the temporary Maha Kumbh district with the deployment of over 55,000 police personnel for the event. Thirteen Akharas of seers from different sects are participating in Maha Kumbh.
Published – January 29, 2025 02:37 am IST