A day after Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin made some remarks on the floor of the Assembly against Governor R.N. Ravi, the Raj Bhavan on Sunday (January 12, 2025) reacted strongly saying that Mr. Stalin’s “such arrogance” was not good.
In a social media post, the Raj Bhavan contended Mr. Stalin had asserted that insisting on due respect to the national anthem and doing fundamental duties enshrined in the Constitution is “absurd” and “childish.”
“Thanks for betraying the true intentions of the coalition of interests and ideologies to which he is a leader that does not accept and respect Bharat as a nation and Her Constitution. Such arrogance is not good,” the post said.
The Raj Bhavan further said: “Please do not forget that Bharat is the supreme Mother and the Constitution the supreme faith for her children. They will not like or tolerate such brazen insult.”
Published – January 12, 2025 03:21 pm IST