The Tamil Nadu government on Saturday (January 25, 2025) said personal rivalry was the reason behind the 2022 Vengaivayal human faeces case, and requested people not to spread false information.
In an official release, the State government said the Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID), based on the evidence and statements from various parties and opinions from experts, concluded its investigation and filed a charge sheet before the Madras High Court on January 20, 2025.
The chargesheet named Murali Raja, 32; Sudarshan, 20; and Muthukrishnan, 22 — all from Vengaivayal and belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) families — as the accused in the case, wherein human faeces was thrown into an overhead water tank that supplied drinking water to the SC families in the village.
It said the motive behind the act was enmity towards Muthaiya, a former president of the Muthukadu panchayat, and Padma, the spouse of the incumbent president.
Published – January 25, 2025 02:29 pm IST