Officials from the Food Safety and Quality Department in Karnataka inspected a total of 2,820 roadside eateries, hotels, and restaurants across the State on Friday and Saturday and slapped penalty of ₹6.32 lakh on several units where hygiene was not maintained and licences had not been obtained.
The inspections were part of the two-day special drive taken up by the department to check food safety violations across the State. Officials said 1,770 units were issued notices for running business in violation of rules. Of these, 666 units were issued notices for running without licence and 1,080 units for not maintaining hygienic conditions. That apart, 24 units were issued notices for labelling violations, officials said.
Of the total penalty collected, the highest was slapped on units in Mysuru where ₹1,14,500 was collected, followed by ₹53,000 in Dharwad.