Karaikal district in Puducherry is reported to be facing a shortage of BPT seed paddy, which is usually sold at a subsidised price of ₹10 a kg through the Agriculture Department. Farmers, who prefer this popular fine variety seed, said the government sales centres have run out of stock and they were now forced to buy from private dealers at higher prices.
P.G. Somu, Joint Secretary of Delta Vivasayigal Sangam, said shortage of BPT seeds had left farmers struggling in the current planting season. “Farmers cannot afford to buy seeds from private dealers. We urge the district administration to take immediate action,” he said.
However, the department denied any shortages. A senior official said: “We have distributed 60 tonnes of seeds and arranged for an additional 15 tonnes from Puducherry. We have not received any formal complaint from farmers about seed shortages.”