Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy directed officials to prepare plans to develop another zoo park in the outskirts of Hyderabad. The city has a zoo, Nehru Zoological Park, in Bahadurpura.
The directions were issued at a review meeting on the projects under Smart, Proactive, Efficient and Effective Delivery (SPEED) scheme at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Telangana State Secretariat on Friday (August 30, 2024). Various forms of tourism in the State were discussed.
The Chief Minister issued directions to come up with a new tourism policy for the State and to study best policies implemented in other States. The officials were asked to focus on eco, temple and health tourism, and to chart plans for the development of heli-tourism wherever there is potential. Besides, there were asked to choose Public Private Partnership (PPP) wherever there is a need to enhance resources.
Tourism Minister Jupally Krishna Rao, Telangana Tourism Development Corporation chairperson Patel Ramesh Reddy, Chief Secretary A. Santhi Kumari and others were present at the meeting.