Perfect Blend and Cosette impressed when the horses were exercised here on Wednesday morning (Feb. 19).
Outer sand
600m: Juliet Rose (Farid Ansari) 42. In fine condition. Grenoble (Hindu Singh) 44. Unextended.
Inner sand
600m: Element (Ram Nandan), Aviothic (Inayat) 43. They finished together. Miss American Pie (N.S. Parmar) 47. Easy. Tignanello (M.S. Deora) 46. Easy. Luca (Inayat) 45.5. Handy. New Dimension (M. Bhaskar) 39.5. Impressed. Pneuma (M.S. Deora) 43. In good condition. Happiness (Ram Nandan), Red Pencile (Shyam Kumar) 41.5. They worked well. Dark Son (Inayat) 45. Moved on the bit. Balgownie (C. Brisson), Wind Symbol (rb) 47. They were easy. First Missile (Jitendra Singh) 45.5. Moved freely.
800m: Perfect Blend (N. Darshan) 56, 600/41. In fine trim. Cosette (N.S. Parmar), Key To The Mint (Jitendra Singh) 54, 600/38. Former pleased.
Noted on Tuesday (Feb. 18)
Inner sand: 600m: Krishvi (rb) 46.5. Easy. Seattle Blue (M.S. Deora) 46. Easy. Royal Nobility (Farid Ansari) 39. In fine nick. War Emblem (Shah Alam), Atreides (rb) 40. Former finished three lengths in front. Royal Defender (Shyam Kumar), Swarga (rb) 46. They moved freely. Avantador (N. Murugan), Celeste (B. Dharshan) 41.5. They worked well. Constant Variable (Shah Alam) 40. Strode out well. Kallania (rb) 46.5. Easy. Alpha Domino (rb) 47.5. Easy. Magical Bay (M.S. Deora) 42.5. Unextended. Mindful (A.S. Peter), Golden Warrior (M. Bhaskar) 45. They moved freely. Flourish (N. Darshan) 44.5. Handy. Mr Starc (B. Dharshan) 43. In good shape. Glorious King (M. Bhaskar) 39.5. Moved impressively. Charukala (Hindu Singh) 42. Moved on the bit. Presto Power (N. Darshan) 43. In fine shape. Star Of Light (Shah Alam) 43.5. In good shape. One Way Ticket (C. Brisson), Desert Star (Shyam Kumar) 43.5. They finished together. Grandiose (Shankar Lal) 46.5. Secret Pearl (Jitendra Singh) 41. Stretched out well.
Published – February 19, 2025 07:31 pm IST