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HomeOpinionLetters to The Editor — March 27, 2024

Letters to The Editor — March 27, 2024

Ceasefire call

With the United Nations Security Council passing the resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramzan, one hopes for an end to the bloodshed and for greater sense to prevail (Page 1, March 26). Though the war began as retaliation for Hamas’ attack, innocent children and women have fallen victim to Israel’s deep anger. It is not clear how far Israel can succeed with this track against Hamas.

With the blocking of essential food items, it seems that Tel Aviv has adopted famine creation as a war strategy. Israel’s reaction to the UN resolution is not encouraging.

J. Radhakrishna Kurup,

Ettumanoor, Kottayam, Kerala

Though silent on the culpability of Hamas for the dastardly attack on Israel on October 7, triggering immense suffering for Palestinians, the ceasefire demand must nonetheless be welcomed.

A suspension of hostilities would indubitably bring respite for millions of civilians reeling from the deadly war. However, it remains to be seen if the resolution would be honoured by the Jewish state, given its established track record of dismissing with impunity the UN resolutions against it. One can only hope against hope that a yearning for vengeance becomes subdued and the love for humanity prevails in its place.

Michael Jom,


A discordant note

The late violin maestro, Kunnaikudi Vaidyanathan, was a regular invitee to the Ram Seva Mandali concerts in Bengaluru during Ramanavami celebrations. He was invited despite his playing film tunes, by request. Few cared to raise objections. He was adored by Carnatic music lovers of all age groups. The controversy that has enveloped musician T.M. Krishna is unfortunate.

In his enthusiasm to propagate Carnatic music he may have annoyed some purists and grazed against some time-honoured boundaries, but the public spat and consequent polarisation now among musicians and music lovers is most unfortunate (Editorial page, March 26). It reveals the petty-mindedness entrenched in some important musicians.

Mohan Das,


As a reader of The Hindu for the past 75 years, to find that the daily has focused on a controversial Carnatic musician who has been steadfast in propagating anti-Brahminical views is baffling.

One cannot ignore the foundations of the structure of Carnatic music which has been built, step by step, by great composers of yore.

Sanakaranarayanan R.,


The Carnatic music fraternity is a mature and friendly group. Rasikas are also well-informed and understand nuances. In the conferment of any award or title there is bound to be some disgruntlement. I am sure that tempers will calm and we will be back to having packed concert halls, with Mr. Krishna and the popular singer sisters spreading harmony and joy.

L. Rangarajan,


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