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HomeOpinionLetters to The Editor — January 27, 2024

Letters to The Editor — January 27, 2024

State of the Opposition

The article, “Reclaiming the Republic and the Constitution” (Editorial page, January 26), reflects the sentiments of the Indian public. The Opposition ‘INDIA’ alliance is in a state of disarray and it is quite certain that there is nothing to stop the BJP from returning to power.

M.R. Shanmugam,

Gobichettipalayam, Tamil Nadu

ASI survey report

There are more than enough places of worship across the country (Page 1, “Hindu temple existed at Gyanvapi mosque site: ASI survey report”, January 26). What India needs at this moment are developed minds which follow the ‘language of love ‘ in words and in deeds.

S. Ramakrishnasayee


The ASI report comes at a time when there is clamour to look for temples beneath mosques, particularly in North India. If such surveys are taken up as per the beck and call of ‘interested parties’, there will be no end to the matter. One wonders what happened to the Supreme Court advocated ‘Places of Worship Act’ that called for the maintenance of status quo on all places of worship prior to 1947. Opening old wounds would cause grave damage to India’s communal harmony and brotherhood.

J. Anantha Padmanabhan,

Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu

Flip flop

Former Karnataka Chief Minister, Jagadish Shettar, returning to the Bharatiya Janata Party (‘South’ page, January 26) by saying that he had decided to strengthen the hands of the Prime Minister is amusing. What a lie! Voters should teach such politicians a lesson.

D. Sethuraman,


Mr. Shettar’s move speaks volumes about politicians and their insatiable hunger for power and pelf. Unless we have politicians of unimpeachable character, this country is doomed.

V. Padmanabhan,


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