His transformation reflects dedication and a commitment to health, setting an example for others to follow. Today, he wants to share his journey of losing weight, overcoming obstacles, and finding a healthier version of myself without any fad diets, weight loss medicines, or long hours at the gym. Here’s his story of dedication, strength and grit to lose weight and get fit:
The turning point
One year ago, I underwent a medical procedure that required a few days of hospitalisation. This experience was a stark reminder of how fragile life can be and the importance of taking care of one’s health. My doctor delivered the news with a gravity that left no room for doubt: I needed to make significant changes to my lifestyle, or I would face severe health consequences. The realisation hit me hard. I had a family who depended on me, and I wanted to be there for them, to create more memories and share more moments.
The beginning of the journey
The first few weeks were the hardest. Changing old habits is never easy, especially when it comes to food and exercise. I started by setting small, achievable goals. One of the most significant changes I made was completely dropping cooking oil, ghee, processed food, and sugar from my diet. I replaced sugar with jaggery and started incorporating seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, watermelon, flax, and black raisins into my meals. I began eating more fruits and vegetables and committed to drinking more water. Practising portion control was essential. I learned to enjoy smaller servings without feeling deprived. Temptations came, and people around me sometimes tried to destabilise my journey for fun, ironically. However, I never indulged in comfort foods. My mindset was to ignore outside noise and stress-inducing situations, accept them as they come, and resolve them on priority.
Embracing exercise
Exercise became a cornerstone of my weight loss journey. Initially, I started with short walks around my neighbourhood. As my stamina improved, I gradually increased the intensity and duration of my walks. Simple aerobics also became part of my routine. I focused on having an early dinner and maintaining a disciplined sleep schedule, which significantly contributed to my overall well-being.
Overcoming challenges
There were days when I felt like giving up. The scale didn’t always show progress, and there were times when I was tempted to indulge in comfort foods. But I learned that overcoming challenges required sheer willpower and making the right choices, even when family and friends were not directly part of my journey. I had to find alternatives in the food prepared for my family and remain selective. I measured, monitored, and improved my health numbers consistently. Being my own cheerleader, I celebrated every kilogram lost, even when others laughed at my pursuit. This journey was a testament to self-help, grit, and determination.
The Role of Mindset
One of the most significant lessons I learned was the power of a positive mindset. I began practising mindfulness and meditation to manage stress and stay focused. Although I struggled to be disciplined in meditation, I can say it helped in relaxing. Listening to podcasts, songs, and occasionally losing myself to OTT platforms also helped me unwind. I took time off from work to focus on pending tasks, which reduced my overall stress levels.
Celebrating Milestones
Each milestone, no matter how small, was a victory. Losing the first few kilograms, fitting into clothes that hadn’t fit in years, and the need to buy new clothes and punch new pant belt holes – these moments kept me motivated. I celebrated these achievements quietly, knowing that each step forward was a testament to my resolve and perseverance.
The Transformation
Today, looking back on the past 12 months, I am amazed at the transformation. I have lost a significant amount of weight, but more importantly, I have gained a new lease on life. Here are some key changes in my health metrics over the past year:
My Daily Diet Plan
My diet plan has also been crucial to my success. I focused on healthy, nutritious foods available in a normal Indian household. I supplemented that with lemon-honey and warm water throughout the day. This balanced approach ensured I got all the necessary nutrients while avoiding unhealthy temptations.
Poha or dalia or a small portion of corn, or oil-less paratha, or tofu & moong paratha
A combo of seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, watermelon, flax, black raisins)
Fresh fruits like apples and bananas
Sugarless tea
Whole grains like wheat, rice, maize, ragi, jowar (2 chapati/small bowl of rice)
Daal (lentils), green and seasonal vegetables (hari sabzi), no potatoes
Light meals, often similar to lunch but in smaller portions
Fresh salad with tomatoes, garlic, and mushrooms
Early dinner followed by a disciplined sleep schedule
A handful of seeds combo or black raisins
Roasted gram with occasional jaggery for a sweet touch
Sugarless tea/green tea
I feel healthier, more energetic, and more connected to my body and mind. This journey has not only improved my physical health but has also strengthened my resilience and determination.
A message of hope
If you are reading this and are at the beginning of your own weight loss journey, know that it is possible. It requires patience, perseverance, and a lot of self-love. Surround yourself with supportive people, celebrate your progress, read about nutrition, and don’t be afraid to seek help when needed. My journey is a testament to the fact that with the right mindset and support, you can overcome any obstacle. Here’s to a healthier, happier life!
Khushalii Kumar’s Shocking Diet Secret: Dinner at 6 PM Sharp
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