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HomeLife StyleWeight Loss: Soaked raisins vs soaked almonds, which is better for weight...

Weight Loss: Soaked raisins vs soaked almonds, which is better for weight loss? | – Times of India

Soaked superfoods are fast catching popularity as the process of overnight soaking aids in unlocking a wide range of health benefits. Almonds and raisins are two popular dry fruits that people regularly add in their diet. They can be eaten together or separately depending on the benefits you want to reap. As per Ayurveda, almonds are hot and raisins are cool, which makes them an excellent combination for overall health.
According to the Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, almonds prevent overeating and keep you full for longer durations. Raisins, though sweet, can be an excellent snack for people with diabetes. According to a study published in the journal Nutrients, raisin intake is linked to reduced glucose and insulin response.
Scroll down to study the benefits of each of these superfoods and the right time to eat them.

Why soak them at all?

Almonds and raisins are best eaten soaked as the process removes harmful tannins that can inhibit nutrient absorption. Soaking also eases the digestive process. It also releases the enzyme lipase, which is beneficial for fat digestion.
A study published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture says soaking almonds for at least 24 hours slightly reduces phytate levels, but by less than 5%, which suggests that soaking almonds may not completely remove anti-nutrients. However, soaking still helps with making them more digestible and soft, improving the texture of the nuts.

Benefits of soaked raisins

Soaked raisins are enriched with a variety of nutrients that prevent cardiovascular issues and improve digestive health. They have a low to moderate glycemic index, making them ideal for diabetics in moderation.

Heart health

Raisins keep blood pressure and blood sugar in control as per research. Being a good source of potassium, they can help maintain your blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart health.

Blood sugar control

While this may feel counter-intuitive as raisins are naturally sweet but they are categorized as low to moderate glycemic index food which means they do not raise blood sugar as quickly as refined sugar and other such foods.

Skin health

Raisins are packed with vitamins and antioxidants which also protect our skin from damage caused by free radicals. No wonder eating soaked raisins regularly is linked with improved complexion and skin glow.

Eases digestion

Soaking raisins can make them soft, remove tannins and activate enzymes that help in breaking down nutrients. This not only helps you avail benefits of more nutrients but also aids in digestion.

Benefits of soaked almonds

Skin health

Being a good source of vitamin E and many powerful antioxidants, soaked almonds naturally protect cells from oxidative damage and support skin health.

Heart health

Soaked almonds are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats which aid in reducing bad cholesterol or LDL (low density lipo-protein) levels, which reduces the risk of heart disease and regulation of blood pressure.

Weight loss

Soaked almonds are high in fibre and protein, and low in carbs, which makes them a wonderful and satiating snack which can help in weight management.

Bone health

Soaked almonds are a good source of a wealth of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are a key to maintaining strong and healthy bones.
Both soaked almonds and soaked raisins are heart-healthy and amazing for digestive health. Adding them in your daily routine can keep many chronic diseases away.

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