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The popular Indian food delivery app announces a new name and logo – The Times of India

Food delivery apps have become an emotion in India, as they have helped people build memories over food for many years. But, as per the latest news report, a leading food delivery app has announced a new logo and name and you will be shocked to know about it. Scroll down to read the details.
As per the latest announcement letter on X by Deepinder Goyal, Founder, Zomato, they have changed the name of the food delivery brand to “Eternal” and unveiled a new logo, a move that comes more than two years after it began using the new name internally.
Eternal would comprise its four major businesses – food delivery vertical Zomato, quick-commerce unit Blinkit, live events business District and kitchen supplies unit Hyperpure, the company said.
The announcement letter on X reads, “When we acquired Blinkit, we started using “Eternal” (instead of Zomato) internally to distinguish between the company and the brand/app. We also thought that we would publicly rename the company to Eternal, the day something beyond Zomato became a significant driver of our future. Today, with Blinkit, I feel we are there. We would like to rename Zomato Ltd., the company (not the brand/app), to Eternal Ltd.”
“We thought of publicly renaming the company when something beyond Zomato became a significant driver of our future,” Founder Deepinder Goyal said in a letter to shareholders. “Today, with Blinkit, I feel we are here,” he said.
The move marks a shift for the company, from when investors were skeptical about Zomato’s acquisition of Blinkit in mid-2022, to quick commerce-led growth drawing increasing investor interest.
The announcement letter further read, “Zomato is an accidental company. It was born out of a simple desire to serve, and over time, it became a business. And the journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Our work has created millions of direct and indirect jobs. It endears my heart when our delivery partners, restaurant partners, and store partners tell me how we empower them, to make more money, to have more freedom, and to better provide for their families. A lot of them tell me that they are now able to send their kids to better schools, and are able to keep them in those schools, which was sometimes not possible earlier. They tell me that their life is more full of hope than what it used to be.”
The announcement has went viral. What do you think of this move by the brand. Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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