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HomeLife StyleSigns you are in a healthy relationship - Times of India

Signs you are in a healthy relationship – Times of India

Your relationship should be a safe and secure place where you can be open about your feelings and trust your partner. Being in the wrong relationship can be challenging, but with the right person, life can be a joy ride. All relationships have good and bad days, but the ones that pass the test of time are the best. A relationship is healthy when you feel like a team and at ease with each other, not in a constant worry of hurting each other’s feelings.There is no place for emotional abuse or disrespect in a healthy relationship and you can be completely yourself.
If you feel complete and comfortable with your partner, it’s a sign you are in a healthy relationship.

Here are signs you are in a healthy relationship:

1. Your partner is your biggest cheerleader

If your partner supports your dreams and goals, celebrates your small wins, and cheers you up when you’re feeling low, it’s a sign you’re in a healthy relationship. Watch out for selfish tendencies and mismatch in goals as it shows the relationship would not be able to sustain for long.

2. Trust

Trust is the foundation of any relationship. If your partner trusts you and your decisions, and believes in you without hesitation, then you’ve found the one. Being honest with each other and good communication can foster trust between partners.

3. Boundaries and space

Every relationship should have its boundaries and space and even your life partner should know that. If your partner respects your boundaries and space, you are a lucky one, as it’s a clear sign you are in a healthy and happy relationship.

4. Shared goals

Every couple should have a common interest or a common goals. In a relationship, it’s important to have both personal and mutual growth. If you share similar interests or goals, it’s a sign you are in a healthy relationship.

5. Good communication

Communication is the key to a successful relationship. If your partner expresses their comforts and discomforts, talks about their day with you, and is open to listening to your views, you are more likely to be in a happy and healthy relationship.

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