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HomeLife StyleOptical illusion personality test: Carefree or mature? What you see first reveals...

Optical illusion personality test: Carefree or mature? What you see first reveals your outlook towards life – Times of India

Photo: Dicklanemotorhomes

Optical illusion personality tests, as the name suggests, are strange-looking images that trick the eyes and based on what a person sees first in such pictures a lot can be understood about them. How, you may ask? Well, these images are based on psychology and hence can help in decoding a person’s lesser-known personality traits. There are no right or wrong answers in such tests, and they are simple yet fun way to know yourself or someone else better.
This particular optical illusion personality test claims to reveal a person’s outlook towards life– whether they are carefree or mature and caring in life. The picture was shared by Dicklanemotorhomes and it has two main elements– a young girl’s face and an old man’s face. Based on what a person notices first can reveal their lesser-known perspective towards life.
To take the test, simply look at the image above. Note what you saw first and read its interpretation below:
1. If you saw an old man’s face in the image first

old man

It means that you are mature in your thoughts and have a realistic perspective towards life. You are caring and empathetic towards others; you also respect elders and appreciate their views– all of this helps you make genuine connections in life. You can also easily see things beyond the surface which helps you make logical and realistic decisions in life.
2. If you saw a young girl’s face in the image first

young girl

On the contrary, if you first noticed a young girl’s face in the picture first it means that you are young at heart. You have a carefree and optimistic perspective towards life, which keeps you going. Life is an adventure for you, and this makes you explore and experience new things. You are also quite creative and have an open-mind. This helps you easily adapt to changes and also learn new things and grow as a person.
While optical illusion personality tests are fun to take, one must note that they give generic results and hence aren’t always 100 percent true. However, they can help one understand themselves or others better based on the tests’ results.
How accurate was this test for you? Tell us in the comments section below.

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