The Raj Kapoor Film Festival kicked off in Mumbai on Friday, marking the centenary celebration of the legendary actor-filmmaker. The Kapoor family is paying tribute to Raj Kapoor’s enduring legacy by hosting a festival showcasing some of his iconic films. At the event’s opening night, Raj Kapoor’s granddaughter, actress Kareena Kapoor, stole the spotlight in an ethnic ensemble by renowned Pakistani designer Iqbal Hussain.
While Kareena is known for her dramatic red carpet looks, she has recently embraced more comfortable, classic Indian attire for smaller, special occasions. Her recent red hand-painted floral kurta set from Devnaagri, valued at ₹36,500, became a highlight when she and the Kapoor family met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi.
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For the film festival, Kareena once again chose a stylish yet comfortable outfit, showcasing her love for traditional silhouettes. She wore a beautiful ivory kurta and pyjama set by Iqbal Hussain, featuring a pure cotton silk kurta with rust piping and tassels on the neckline and sides. The matching ivory tissue inner shirt was adorned with delicate gota work on the sleeves, complementing the kurta. She paired the ensemble with a crushed silk pyjama and an ivory dupatta, trimmed with rust piping on all four sides, and finished the look with striking zari booties. The outfit is priced at PKR 95,000 (approximately ₹28,963) on Iqbal Hussain’s official website.
Kareena’s choice of this understated yet elegant outfit perfectly captured the essence of the evening, blending traditional elements with a modern sensibility. The simplicity of the ensemble, paired with her choice of minimal makeup and soft, natural hair, allowed the focus to remain on the intricate craftsmanship of the outfit. The layered necklaces added a touch of glamour without overwhelming the look, highlighting Kareena’s ability to effortlessly elevate traditional wear with contemporary flair. Her refined style choices throughout the event further paid homage to Raj Kapoor’s legacy, as the actress continues to embrace her cultural roots with grace and poise.
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