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HomeLife StyleForever Chemicals: From Apple to Nike, 15 smart watches found containing high...

Forever Chemicals: From Apple to Nike, 15 smart watches found containing high levels of cancer causing ‘forever chemicals’ | – The Times of India

If you are using a smart watch or a fitness band, read this.
A new study has found that smart watches of 15 brands have high levels of cancer causing and hormone disrupting ‘forever chemicals’ in them. These smart watches have immense popularity and have huge demand in the market, especially due to their health monitoring features.
A study by researchers from the University of Notre Dame looked for ‘forever chemicals’ in 22 brands and found that 15 of these brands have these chemicals. “Many “smart” and “fitness” watch bands are advertised to contain fluoroelastomers, a type of synthetic rubber designed to be resilient against skin oils and sweat,” the researchers have said.
“In this study, 22 watch bands were analyzed across numerous brands and price points for the presence of PFAS. Products were first screened for total fluorine using particle-induced gamma-ray emission spectroscopy on the surface of these bands, and 15 of the 22 watch bands contained total F concentrations >1% fluorine, suggesting the widespread use of fluoroelastomers in this product category,” they have added.

Which brands of smart watches have forever chemicals?

“Though the study doesn’t note which brands tested positive for PFAS, it notes it tested watches from Nike, Apple, Fitbit and Google,” The Guardian reported citing the study.
“The study checked for individual PFAS compounds and found the highest volume of PFHxA, a synthetic chemical that is part of the PFAS group, which is in 40% of bands. The chemical is commonly used on clothing, carpet, paper and insecticides, and is linked to liver disease. It is an under-researched compound in part because it is more difficult to detect in human blood than other types of PFAS, Peaslee said, which makes his findings even more concerning. The EU has proposed banning PFHxA in consumer products, such as watch bands,” the report added.
The findings of the study have been published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety journal.

What are forever chemicals?

‘Forever chemicals’ refer to Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and are called ‘forever’ because of their highly persistent nature. They do not easily break down in the environment and are linked to adverse health conditions like cancer, reduced fertility and immunity compromise.

Forever chemicals are commonly found in…

PFAS or forever chemicals are found in daily use items like Teflon coated pans, grease-resistant paper, fast-food wrappers, and microwave popcorn bags, outdoor gear, carpets, upholstery, firefighting foams, cosmetics like foundation and mascara, and manufacturing electronics and medical devices.
PFAS enter our body through contaminated water, particularly near industrial sites, consuming contaminated food especially those packaged in PFAS materials and excessive use of non-stick and coated cookware.
The widespread use of PFAS has led to their presence in soil, water, air, and even in the blood of humans and animals around the globe.

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