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HomeLife StyleAniruddhacharya Maharaj Luxury Watch: ‘Pookie Baba’ Aniruddhacharya Maharaj turns heads with luxury...

Aniruddhacharya Maharaj Luxury Watch: ‘Pookie Baba’ Aniruddhacharya Maharaj turns heads with luxury watch; the price will leave you shocked! | – Times of India

Spiritual guru and orator Aniruddhacharya Maharaj has earned the title of ‘Pookie Baba‘ among his followers. It all began when he started catching the attention of the netizens with his witty and entertaining teachings. His practical answers to questions asked during his Satsang sessions not only won him accolades but some of them went viral for being humorous, but more importantly, his orchestration of darker humor in conjunction with spirituality has registered an appeal among the younger generations.He has, across his charismatic streak, managed to cross the boundaries of the seriously traditional guru as his teachings have, within them, a cool and relatable attitude that would appeal to the modern age. But this time around ‘Pookie Baba’ is trending for a different reason altogether – his luxury watch!

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The name ‘Pookie Baba’ resonates with the colloquial Gen Z lingo and attests to his rapport with the youth while holding deep wisdom. However, it’s not just his words that are grabbing eyeballs; his fashion statement is equally impressive and can be held up as an example, particularly his luxury accessories. Recently, a video clip emerged online featuring Aniruddhacharya donning the rather striking Rado Centrix R30941152 watch, and the price will surely leave a lot of you out there totally shocked.

The very elegant Rado watch, in keeping with a black dial and polished silver straps epitomises understated elegance, matched by the minimalist design, which complements Aniruddhacharya’s traditional kurta-pajama attires all the way. The Rado Centrix watches are among the most requested luxury watches, with good reason: they showcase a sophisticated aesthetic combined with exceptional craftsmanship. The surprise is that the watch costs around ₹1.77 lakh. While some netizens have commented that the guru’s teachings are based on spirituality and simple living, and such an accessory spotted on him is an irony, some have defended the Guru by saying that it leads one to think that the refined taste and acuteness to style on the part of Aniruddhacharya Maharaj reappears to sustain the inference that spirituality needn’t mean abandonment of style and all good things.


Rado watches are not just about style statements-they are more of heritage and brilliance and craftsmanship that breeds temptation. It is a design that is eternal enough and symbolises Pookie Baba’s rich spirit that adds the lightness of his spirituality with flair. So, Aniruddhacharya Maharaj continues to win the hearts and minds online, reminding the world that embracing luxury in this world is not a sin.

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