Here are 5 smoothies that are good for weight gain:
1. Roasted gram flour and nuts smoothie
Roasted gram flour and nuts are high in protein and fibre and make for a delicious breakfast. Take half a cup of roasted gram flour, add milk, dates, and your favorite nuts, and blend them together. This smoothie is rich in nutrients and can keep you full for the rest of the day. The combination of dates and milk is a natural way to gain weight for people who are underweight.
2. Peanut butter and banana smoothie
Peanut butter and banana offer an irresistible combination nobody can say no to. Take two bananas, toss them in the blender with 2 spoonfuls of peanut butter and milk, and blend. It’s very healthy, as bananas contain fiber, nutrients, vitamin C, and potassium. This combination is excellent for healthy weight gain and building lean muscles.
3. Mango and nuts smoothie
Mangoes and your favorite nuts—what could be better? Mango is delicious and contains antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and minerals. Mango is good for digestion and helps keep your body hydrated. Take 2 mangoes, slice them, and toss them in the blender with milk and your favorite nuts.
4. Banana, chocolate, and peanut butter smoothie
Banana, chocolate, and peanut butter smoothies are both delicious and healthy. Bananas are a rich source of fibre and antioxidants, which help with weight gain and digestion. Toss two bananas in a blender with chocolate and two spoonfuls of peanut butter; blend, and enjoy your delicious smoothie.
5. Green smoothie
A green smoothie is great for gaining weight. You can add your favorite fruits, along with avocado, and spinach; blend them together for a healthy smoothie.
How to reduce your sugar intake without feeling deprived: 9 foods for managing diabetes
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