Filmmaker Ranjith, against whom a woman actor had raised a complaint of outraging her modesty, has moved an anticipatory bail application before the Kerala High Court stating that he was falsely implicated in the case and the complaint might be the result of disappointment and resentment of the actor for not being chosen to act in a movie.
He further stated that the actor’s resentment might have been re-ignited by certain interest groups who wanted him to be removed from the post of chairperson at the Kerala Chalachitra Academy.
The Ernakulam Town North Police had booked a case against Mr. Ranjith following the complaint of the woman actor that he inappropriately held her hand and also attempted to touch other parts of her body ‘with sexual intention’. The actor had stated that Mr. Ranjith had invited her to his flat to discuss a movie in 2009.
Mr. Ranjith contended that he was innocent of the allegations levelled against him and falsely implicated in the case with ulterior motives and vexatious intentions. He also pointed out that the actor did not choose to file a complaint 15 years ago after the alleged offence.
Medical care cited
Mr. Ranjith, who stated that he had some serious ailments and required proper medical care and attention, added that associate film directors Shankar Ramakrishnan and Girish Damodaran, film producer Subair and Biju, an office assistant were in the apartment throughout the time when the actor was present. It was Mr. Shankar Ramakrishnan, who discussed the project with her. He contended that the conspicuous silence of his presence in the complaint revealed the malafides involved.
The custodial interrogation was not warranted as the alleged incident took place years ago. Moreover, the alleged offence was a bailable one in 2009, Mr. Ranjith stated in his bail plea.
He also undertook to cooperate with the investigation and willing to abide by the conditions laid down by the court.