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HomeEntertainmentJunaid Khan's honest confession: If I was not Aamir Khan's son, I...

Junaid Khan’s honest confession: If I was not Aamir Khan’s son, I would probably not have gotten ‘Maharaj’ | – Times of India

There are very few stars who admit that they got a film, or have any easy access to certain doors when starting their career owing to the legacy their parents have created. However, when it comes to Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan, he is known to surprise all with his honest confessions.
Recently, at the NDTV event, the actor spoke about his auditioning journey and admitted that if he had not been Aamir’s son, his debut OTT project that marked his entry into the film world would have slipped off his hands.
“I will also admit ki if I was not Aamir Khan’s son, I would probably not have gotten Maharaj,” said Junaid, and his honesty helped him gain the audience’s trust, love, and respect once again.
Junaid mentioned ‘Maharaj’ while speaking on how initially he auditioned for many projects, but nothing came to the execution stage. He even auditioned for ‘Laal Singh Chadha‘ and was highly praised by his father Aamir. But owing to the high risk of doing a big-budget film with a new face, it just didn’t happen.
Directed by Sidharth P Malhotra ‘Maharaj’ delves into the 1862 Maharaj Libel Case. The movie marked Junaid Khan’s debut and it had Jaideep Ahlawat and Shalini Pandey in the lead roles with a special appearance by Sharvari.
The movie based on one of the most iconic legal battles, faced a temporary halt by the Gujarat High Court following a petition from members of the Vaishnavite Pustimargi sect. Concerns were raised about the representation of religious beliefs in the film. However, on June 21, the High Court lifted the stay, and on the same day, the movie was released on Netflix.

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