Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeEntertainmentGoren Bridge: Misfit magic

Goren Bridge: Misfit magic

We’ve been featuring some of Italy’s star players this week and we continue today. Norberto Bocchi was South, in today’s deal. Misfit hands often produce a painful auction and an unhappy ending is common. Could Bocchi bring home his unlikely slam?

Bocchi won the opening spade lead with his ace and led the king of hearts. East won and returned a spade, ruffed by Bocchi. It seems impossible to take 12 tricks unless the diamond suit comes home. Bocchi showed us otherwise. He started to run his heart suit, leaving this position with one heart to go:

Bocchi cashed the five of hearts and West and North both shed clubs. East, who had to keep his diamonds, also discarded a club. Bocchi led a diamond to the ace and cashed the king, discarding a club from his hand. Poor West could not defend the position. West had to let go of another club and Bocchi’s three clubs took the last three tricks. Beautifully done!

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