Actor Esha Deol and her husband, Bharat Takhtani have decided to part ways after 11 years of marriage. An official statement issued by them read, “We have mutually & amicably decided to part ways. Through this shift in our lives, the best interests and welfare of our two children are and will be of utmost importance to us. We would appreciate it if our privacy is respected throughout. Thank you, Esha Deol & Bharat Takhtani.”
However, the reason behind their separation is still unknown. Esha Deol tied the knot with Bharat Takhtani in a low-key wedding ceremony at the ISKCON temple in Mumbai on June 29, 2012. Radhya was born to them in 2017. The couple welcomed their second daughter, Miraya in 2019.
Esha is the daughter of veteran actors Dharmendra and Hema Malini. She featured in several big films like Dhoom, Dus, and No Entry. She made her acting comeback last year, with the thriller series Rudra: The Edge of Darkness alongside actor Ajay Devgn which premiered on Disney+ Hotstar.
She will also be seen in an upcoming seriesInvisible Woman alongside veteran actor Suniel Shetty, which is backed by the film arm of Saregama India — Yoodlee Films. Rajesh M Selva of Thoongaa Vanam and Kadaram Kondan fame is helming the project.