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HomeLife Style6 ways brisk walking can help you live longer - Times of...

6 ways brisk walking can help you live longer – Times of India

If there is one simple daily habit that can help you stay young, fit, and at the best of your energy levels, it’s certainly walking. Whether at a leisurely pace or a brisk stride, the benefits are countless. The best thing about walking is that it works on multiple aspects of your well-being. From heart health, brain wellness to maintaining muscle and bone health, a regular walking routine can ensure overall well-being. Studies support the many marvels of walking.
According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, getting less physical activity is linked with premature death, while daily walks could extend people’s lifespan, linking this habit to longevity. The study says it can add at least a decade to your life.
When you speed up the pace, the benefits get multiplied. As per a study published in the journal Communications Biology, a faster walking pace was associated with fewer markers of aging in a large group of older adults and may reduce markers of aging by as much as 16 years by midlife.
Here are 6 ways brisk walking can help you live longer

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Walking can help you lose weight, cut fat

Walking at a brisk pace can help you shed some extra kilos and also boost your metabolism. When you walk fast, your body’s demand for energy increases, which ups the metabolism. This can help you lose weight and reach an optimum weight, prevent you from diseases triggered by obesity, and extend your lifespan.

Improves heart health

Walking is also one of the best exercises for your heart. A brisk walk brings your heart rate up and by getting your heart to beat faster trains your body to move oxygen and blood to your muscles more efficiently. This can also lower cholesterol.

Boosts memory, keeps the brain young

Brisk walking can work wonders for your brain health as it increases blood circulation to the brain, and supply it with essential nutrients and oxygen. This can lead to better focus, sharper memory, and increased productivity.

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Reduces stress

Walking can balance your stress hormones like no other activity, which can also curb your unnecessary sweet cravings. Trust brisk walking to eliminate your stress in a jiffy. A pair of studies from the University of Exeter found that a 15-minute walk can help cut cravings for chocolate and even reduce the amount of chocolate you eat in stressful situations. The less desserts you eat, the better is your lifespan, as obesity may shorten your life by up to 14 years.

Bone and muscle health

Walking can help maintain your bone and joint health, especially knees and hips which are at risk of age-related bone conditions like osteoarthritis. Several studies have found that walking can lessen arthritis-related pain, and that walking five to six miles a week can even prevent arthritis from developing. Studies have demonstrated that people with healthy bones have longer lifespans compared to those with bone conditions.

Boosts immunity

Walking can also keep seasonal infections at bay. A study of over 1,000 men and women found that those who walked regularly for at least 20 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, had 43% fewer sick days than those who exercised once a week or less. Brisk walking can extend these benefits.

From right shoes to warming up right: 5 safety rules to follow while walking

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